Your Trusted Contracting Firm
At Hyland A. Nolan Contractors, we provide top of the line contracting services and client support. We constantly strive to provide personalized attention that ensures precision and satisfaction with all of our work.
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A few of our most recent projects
Hemingway House –
Residential Apartment Unit
February 2018
Fan coil riser repair, removal and replacement of access panels, installation of steel framing as needed, apartment fire-stopping, apartment touch ups, door repair and replacements, installing vanity, granite top and backsplashes.
Optima Center
February 2018
Carpentry work on both residential and commercial units, installation of cabinets and restroom accessories, as well as ADA compliant accessories.
The University of Chicago -
Kent Lab
January 2018
Construct of laboratory space, installing casework, HVAC/Lab gasses, plumbing, fume hoods, carpet and vinyl flooring, installing electrical units, relocating sprinkler units, door operators, and painting.
The University of Chicago - William Eckhardt Research Center Alex High Lab
January 2018
Construct of laboratory and office spaces, installing catwalk system, installing casework, HVAC/Lab gasses, epoxy repairs, carpet and vinyl flooring, installing electrical boxes and raceway units, relocating sprinkler units, and painting.
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago -
AIADO Classroom Alterations
September 2017
Interior office renovation, upgrade existing fire alarm devices, electrical, installation of new windows and creating new office space.
UCM Darien Data Center
February 2016
Renovation and alteration of existing active office space on two floors completed in nine separate phases in order to minimally disrupt occupants. Project involved extensive coordination between flooring, and painting sub-contractors along with owner's furniture vendor.
Huron International -
8th Floor Renovation Project
February 2016
Interior renovation of existing office space, including the creation of new offices, two new exam rooms, two lounge areas and a kitchen, as well as upgrading of the existing mechanical ventilation and cooling system.